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Owls, January 9th

Mrs. Heidi, our new Owls teacher brought some fun, new challenges to the class on Thursday. The Owls were challenged to figure out a problem and move harmoniously as a group all while not talking. Not an easy challenge for the Owls, but as always they worked together to overcome any kind of challenge.

Starting the day with games and challenges the Owls practiced their tracking and observation skills by laying out a treasure hunt for one another. We were impressed with how they followed the rules so that the game was fair. Often with challenges the Owls try to outwit the challenge and find some sneaky way of accomplishing it. When competing against each other this time they wanted to ensure it was fair play.

Moving into free time the Owls worked on projects made from loose parts. There was a potion rack made, the beginnings of a cooking hook, a pea shooter/sword and some on the go projects. As much as the Owls like to scatter during free play they always end up back together as a group.

During lunch the Owls deciphered Mrs. Lea's coded note, which lead to exploring code making and morse code. Huxley also taught the class how to make origami throwing stars. Thank you Huxley!

To wrap up the afternoon the Owls were challenged to make a fire and a way to suspend a pot over the fire by themselves. The teachers would only supervise. The Owls came together to meet the challenge. It was the first time that they made sure they had all their wood supplies at the ready before striking the first match. Next week the challenge will be to only use three matches!

Once the fire was made and the pot suspended the Owls made oatmeal. Unfortunately the oatmeal was not sweat enough for the Owls, but Mrs. Lea's oatmeal cookies made a perfect pairing.

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