This week was all about building Quinzhees and learning more about skinwalkers.
The morning was spent with some cooperative games to build trust amongst the Foxes. Trusting a team to lead you blindfolded in the snow and amongst brambles and bushes takes teamwork, listening and trust.
We spent a great deal of time piling snow in two spots to build Quinzhees. We had to share shovels, again work as a team, sometimes take direction from the group all while working hard digging and moving in the deep snow. Once we thought the snow piles were sufficient we let them sit to warm up in the sun and mold a bit so that we could dig them out in the afternoon. This lead us to free time. The Foxes had fun sledding, playing imagination games in pairs all the while Ted and Joe became safety and medic monitors to help with conflict and ensure everyone keeps their mitts on.
During lunch we heard a story about a supposedly real like encounter with a skin walker. We shared what we knew about skinwalkers and then we settled down into some sculpture making with salt dough.
In the afternoon the Foxes came together to dig out the Quinzhees. In the morning there was a little bit of unfriendly competition between the two bases. In the afternoon the Foxes were much more curious about each other's forts and shared a number of compliments. We also had a little visit from Mr. Tony who helped dig and engineer a slide through one of the Quinzhees. Always a pleasure to have a visit with him and Winston!