The themes of this class seemed to be communication and skill building. There is a lot of open communication about whether we feel heard or not; the group took the time to listen to these concerns, and try to find a way to help everyone feel heard. During a group challenge of Ships and Sharks, we felt that al the groups did an amazing job of listening to ideas and trying out different strategies. We are so proud of them! These skills will be so necessary when we get into bigger challenges and more difficult struggles (usually called winter!).
In skill building, some are creating paint using natural materials, some are fort building with what they find, some are starting carving projects (sharpening a stick for an arrow) and some are water colour painting. All were so engrossed in their activity it was hard to have them stop for our Sit Spot, which we ended up doing together because no one wanted to leave!
Ask your child what their strategy was during the Ships and Sharks game; how did being in their group feel?